Thursday, 9 February 2017

Thank U For That

“Thank you” – An expression of gratitude, a very small and simple word that has immense power in it. 

A simple thanks for a small act of kindness makes us feel good and at times, loved. When we get thanked we feel that our life has some meaning. It is a fact that most of us feel bad when we don’t even get acknowledged in return for good deeds done for others. Our brains store that memory as a negative memory and we pledge somewhere inside of us not to help that person again. In short, this simple word has the power to make us decide our future actions and build relations.

So why am I talking about it? Quite recently I heard a song trending on Youtube and Twitter- “Thank U For That”. It got me thinking somewhere deep inside, so I opened it in youtube and heard it since I was especially keen on knowing who and why the protagonist was thanking? So this write up of mine is the chain of thoughts that initiated on watching and hearing this song.

Audio and Visual Impressions
The song opens up with the protagonist sitting on a guitar that appears to slide down from the sky. The hero himself has a flame throwing guitar and gets down on a set with heart shaped designs and dancers surrounding him. The set is impressive but what I liked even more was the complete transformative get up of the hero. You need to check out the dresses (that fit perfectly well on his frame, the physique is just right). He is wearing some stylish shirts, trench coats, high-low hemline shirts, now all this is really making me have a second look at my own wardrobe. Shout out to all the guys out there, you now have more styles than ever, check out this song and make some changes to your dressing style.
Talking about the voice, it has a soft huskiness to it that is kind of soothing to the ears and at the same time, is powerful enough to not get drowned in the beats and music. It holds on to its identity and does justice to both high and low notes equally. There is this signature step that the hero and dancers repeat every time the phrase “Thank You for that” comes.

Now comes my favourite part- The sets. The song has been filmed on sets that have been painstakingly made and all the hard work put into it is actually visible. I talked about the first set earlier, the second one is my favourite, and it is some sort of a pool impression such that there are impressions of waves but no actual waves. The dancers are doing their act lying down on skates and the hero is on a two wheel self-balancing smart scooter. I think this particular set is really creative and eye catching at the same time. The other sets, to me, look like the upper deck of a cruise ship with swimming pool and party going on.

Over all, the song has a visual appeal, it is colorful (I love colours a lot), bright, playful, peppy and to me, a good dance number as well. You certainly cannot miss out on the style quotient of the hero, as it is evident throughout the video. 

This is the part that had me thinking the most. “You chose me, thank you for that; you Love me, Thank you for that”. The lyrics go well for a romantic dance number, this was my first thought. But wait for the next paragraph. “Dedi, power tu de di, power di aisi yaar; Udaun main, vairiyon ke parkhachhe, teri power se yaar” – You gave me a great power, I use that power to beat the hell out of hoodlums. After hearing this, I actually had to study the background of the lyricist. In this song, Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh ji Insan (the Hero) Himself is the lyricist, music composer and singer (I think it is sheer genius for any person to do all of this). So basically, our hero here is thanking Almighty for loving him, choosing him for bestowing His powers that our Hero uses to safeguard the society from the goons.

Well, I like the perspective of thanking Almighty through a peppy rocking dance number. And why not? Overall I find this concept quite cool. This also makes me imagine that God would love any musical form and any song, provided it is sung with the right intention. Did I go a little too far with this one? Well it is just an honest view.

My Takeaways
Fitness- Now really, this tops my list of takeaways. The hero here is touching fifties, is already a grandfather in real life but who can say that? He looks absolutely fit and I for certain lack that in myself. I need to start with my exercise routines.
Dress up stylishly: I just cannot take my eyes off the dresses of hero. They are really cool and fun to wear. I have just got some major inspiration for my next dresses. You know women love dressing themselves up and I am no exception.
Thank the Almighty in any way you want. I believe He hears you whenever you call Him. God can understand the language of love, no matter what language you use to convey that. He has given a great life to you, you can achieve anything you want to, so thank Him for that. God, I Thank U for That.

Overall, I appreciate the efforts that have gone into this song and certainly would love to see more of such songs. Have you watched this song? What are you thankful for today? What are your views and takeaways on this? Please share in the comments below and I would love to read them.

Link to the song:


  1. Wow Superb Movie Hind Ka Napak KO Jawab Really this movie is different to all other Movies

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thnku for that superb awsm song
